October 18, 2022

Tattoo Removal


Laser Tattoo Removal


We offer the best Laser Tattoo Removal Services. You do not have to be stuck with unwanted tattoos. Unveil the beautiful blank canvas that is your skin’s natural tone with SharpLight’s laser tattoo removal.

From the popularity of tattoos in the 90s sprouted a huge recent demand for tattoo removal – and SharpLight’s advanced pulsed light technologies provide what is considered one of the most effective methods in the laser tattoo removal today.

In SharpLight’s laser tattoo removal treatments and equipment, a laser technology is used to target the ink of the tattoo and to apply localized pulses of light, aimed to decompose the tattoo’s pigment clusters. More specifically, this pulsed light safely passes through the skin’s outer layer and is absorbed by the ink; the light is then converted to heat, which breaks the ink down into much smaller, more manageable particles. The body’s lymphatic system then filters these particles out over several weeks’ time and, as this natural elimination occurs, the tattoo fades and eventually disappears.

SharpLight’s laser tattoo removal technologies include varying spot sizes and other customizable settings to ensure the most effective removal with the lowest risk of side effects. While the number of treatment sessions depends on the colour, size and placement of tattoo, all profiles can be effectively and safely treated.

Main Benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal:

The following are some of the main advantages of SharpLight’s tattoo removal treatments:

  • Treatment is effective, resulting in dramatic disappearance of the tattoo after several sessions.
  • Treatment delivers results on tattoos of all sizes and colours of ink.
  • Treatment non-invasive, safe and requires no anesthetic.
  • The risk of side effects is minimal.
  • No downtime is required, allowing patients to return to normal activity immediately.
  • High patient satisfaction is consistently achieved.

Client Compliance Tattoo Removal Pre-Treatment

1. Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment
2. Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products 2 weeks to treatment
3. Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for at least 4-8 weeks, prior and/or between Laser treatments (dependant on skin type)
4. Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema or allergies
5. Report any changes/updates to your medical health history
6. Do not exfoliate, use glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide or any other skin irritants one week, prior to treatment
7. Avoid Microdermabrasion’s or peels for two weeks prior to treatment (notify treating practitioner if these kinds of treatments have been performed within 3 weeks prior to treatment)
8. If the skin is red, irritated or sunburned, the Laser treatment must be rescheduled.
9. Report all medication taken within 2-3 weeks of the treatment
10. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours prior to the clinical treatment.
11. Avoid alcohol 48 hours prior to treatment

Client Compliance Tattoo Removal Post Treatment

1. Cool the area immediately following the treatment for 15-20 minutes with a sterile cold compress/ice pack.
2. Apply a generous amount of healing ointment/ soothing cream/ soothing gel over the treated area 3. Dress treatment area with sterile gauze, held on by medical tape
4. Cool area as needed in the following hours
5. Keep area covered for 24-48 hours (avoiding any debris/perfumes etc.)
6. Avoid: touching, rubbing, scratching, picking, or any friction in the treatment area as this may result
in hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, infection or other undesired effects such as scarring.
7. Keep the area clean (antibiotic ointment/polysporin may be applied)
8. Avoid any exposure to sun or artificial tanning for a minimum of 2 weeks post treatment. SPF of at least 30 should be applied, and reapplied every two hours as necessary.
9. Avoid any activity/environment which could cause excessive heat or perspiration (i.e: fitness, vigorous cleaning, etc) 24 prior to treatment and for 48 hours post treatment.
10. Avoid hot baths/hot showers/hot tubs or anything similar for one week post treatment. When showering use cool water, and gently pat dry – do not rub the treated area. Baths, hot tubs, swimming pool, or any form of soaking are not recommended until all blistering and scabbing are completely healed, as they may increase the risk of infection.
11. Avoid chlorinated water (swimming pools) 24 hours pre/post treatment.
12. Avoid alcohol 48 hours pre/post treatment.
13. Should the treatment area be tanned/irritated prior to the treatment- further treatment WILL BE RESCHEDULED



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laser tattoo removal

laser tattoo removal

laser tattoo removal