Fractional Laser Resurfacing
Fractional laser resurfacing treatments will restore your skin’s natural shine and smoothness. Restore your skin’s smooth texture and brightness with SharpLight’s fractional laser resurfacing treatment.
SharpLight’s fractional laser resurfacing treatment is a gentle and efficient procedure that reduces the range of photoaging signs and rejuvenates the skin, producing fresh, younger looking faces, necks and hands. These impressive results are achieved by replacing old, damaged cells with new, healthy ones – and, with SharpLight’s fractional laser resurfacing innovative technology, this is done quickly, effectively and safely. Our revolutionary Er:YAG laser produces a micro epidermal peel, which through a thermo-mechanical reaction, removes the problematic areas on the top layer of the skin. The fresh layer that grows has an improved texture, reduced or disappeared rhytids, wrinkles, scarring and spots and an overall renewed radiance.
The efficacy and the efficiency of this treatment is strengthened by SharpLight’s Er:YAG laser’s flexibility; practitioners can select the laser’s strength and depth field to adapt to the patients’ needs, making each treatment personalized.
Long-lasting results are usually achieved within 1 to 3 relatively short treatment sessions, making it time and cost efficient for both the practitioner and the patient.
Being able to effectively combat and improve the appearance of the many signs of aging and environmental damage with this one treatment – in a relatively small number of sessions with minimal side effects and minimal healing time – is what has made SharpLight’s fractional laser resurfacing treatment so popular.
Fractional Laser Resurfacing Main Benefits:
The following are some of the main advantages of SharpLight’s fractional laser resurfacing treatment:
- Treatment is effective and efficient, producing impressive results within 1 to 4 relatively short sessions.
- Treatment combats a variety of skin issues at once.
- Treatment is customizable with adjustable peeling effects and degrees of strength, allowing practitioners to personalize it in accordance with patient needs.
- Healing is rapid and treatment requires minimal downtime.
- Treatment is safe and effective for all patient profiles.
- No anesthesia is required.
- There are minimal, transient side effects associated with treatment; surrounding thermal damage is minimal.
- Treatment has been proven successful for thousands of satisfied clients.
Client Compliance Fractional Laser Resurfacing Pre-Treatment
1. Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment
2. Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products 2 weeks to treatment
3. Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for at least 4-8 weeks, prior and/or
between Laser treatments (dependant on skin type)
4. Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema or allergies
5. Report any changes/updates to your medical health history
6. Do not exfoliate, use glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide or any other skin irritants one week, prior to treatment
7. Avoid Microdermabrasion’s or peels for two weeks prior to treatment (notify treating practitioner if these kinds of treatments have been performed within 3 weeks prior to treatment)
8. If the skin is red, irritated or sunburned, the Laser treatment must be rescheduled.
9. Report all medication taken within 2-3 weeks of the treatment
10. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours prior to the clinical treatment
11. Avoid alcohol 48 hours prior to treatment
Client Compliance Fractional Laser Resurfacing Post Treatment
1. Avoid direct sunlight or tanning beds for at least 2 weeks after a treatment. Apply Sun Protective Cream of SPF 50+, 15 minutes prior to sun exposure and 15 minutes afterwards. Keep reapplying as needed throughout the day. Consider using protective cotton gloves for driving, a hat to protect facial areas
2. Apply sterile cold packs/cold compresses to the treated area for at least 15 minutes after the treatment, and as necessary in the following hours
3. It is recommended to apply antibiotic ointment to prevent infection (subject to the Physicians discretion)
4. Until the skin has healed, wash face with a soap free cleanser
5. If there are scabs or blisters, make-up should not be used for 4-5 days
6. For at least three weeks post Laser, do not use harsh topical exfoliations, glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide, acne creams etc.
7. Avoid touching, rubbing, peeling or picking of the skin, as this may cause hyper/hypo-pigmentation, infection or scaring
8. Gently apply soothing creams/moisturizers on the following days
9. For 1 week, avoid hot baths, showers, hot tubs and saunas. When showering and washing, gently pat dry and do not rub
10. Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours following clinical treatment
11. Avoid alcohol 48 hours post treatment